About Digital Edify

Digital Edify

Master Multi-Cloud DevOps with Comprehensive Training

Foundations Of DevOps
Kubernetes & Terraform
Azure DevOps
Automation with Python
Site Reliability Engineer - SRE
  • Realtime ClassRoom Training
  • Project and Task Based
  • 6 to 8 Hrs Every Day
  • Interviews, Jobs and Placement Support
  • Communication Skills & Personality Development
  • Interview Preparations
50000 + Students Enrolled
4.7 Rating (500) Ratings
6 months Duration

Why Multi-Cloud DevOps With Digital Edify?

8 LPA Avg package
44 % Avg hike
3000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (7L)
Avg (16L)
Max (30L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

9 LPA Avg package
46 % Avg hike
4000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (8L)
Avg (17L)
Max (40L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

10 LPA Avg package
48 % Avg hike
2000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (8L)
Avg (15L)
Max (40L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

9 LPA Avg package
48 % Avg hike
3000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (97L)
Avg (15L)
Max (20L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

8 LPA Avg package
44 % Avg hike
3000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (7L)
Avg (16L)
Max (30L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

7 LPA Avg package
46 % Avg hike
3000 + Tech transitions

Anual Average Salaries

Min (9L)
Avg (18L)
Max (40L)

Managers said
hiring DevOps engineers
was top priority

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Explore the Digital Edify way

Learn from Curated Curriculums developed by Industry Experts

Multi-Cloud DevOps Course Curriculum

It stretches your mind, think better and create even better.
Foundations Of DevOps

What is an Applications

Types Of Applications

Fundamentals of Web Applications

Web Application Architecture

Web Technologies used in Projects

Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle


Application Lifecycle Management


SDLC Methodologies

Agile Methodology

Scrum Framework

DevOps Process

Introduction To Agile & Scrum

The Manifesto for Agile Software Development

The Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

Agile Approaches

Agile Frameworks

An overview of Scrum

The Scrum Roles & Responsibilities

The Scrum Artifacts

The Scrum Events

What are Azure Boards

Why use Azure Boards

Agile Project Management Best practices

Introduction to Linux OS

Linux Distributions

Linux Architecture

Command Line Interface


Understanding CLI

Linux Filesystem

File Management

vi editor


tar & zip Utilities

Package Management

Installations On Ubuntu

Install deb files

APT Package Manager

Users & Permissions

Create Users

Create Groups


IP Address

Protocols & Ports


Load Balancers

Introduction to Version Control System

Centralised Version Control System

Distributed Version Control System

Git & GitHub Introduction

Git Workflow

GitHub For Collaboration

Git Branching Model

Git Merging Branches

Pull Requests

Git Rebase

Detached Head

Undoing Changes

Git Ignore


Introduction to Containerisation

Monolithic Architecture

Microservices Architecture

Introduction to Virtualisation

Virtualisation vs Containerisation

Docker Architecture

Setting up Docker

Docker Registry

Docker Images Vs Docker Containers

Running Docker Containers

Docker Volumes

Docker Networks

Docker Logs

Docker Tags

Dockerize Applications

Portability Using Docker Registry

Docker Compose

Introduction To Continuous Integration

Overview and Flow of Continuous Integration

Benefits of Continuous Integration

Requirements of Continuous Integration

Build tools and Repository Manager for Continuous Integration

Overview of Continuous Deployment

Benefits of Continuous Deployment

Agile Mentality of Continuous Deployment

Tools for Continuous Deployment

Overview of Jenkins

Setting Up Jenkins

Setting Up Build Jobs

Build Triggers

Jenkins Plugins

Jenkins Pipelines

Pipeline As Code

Jenkins Integrations

Introduction to SonarQube

Purpose and benefits of using SonarQube in software development.

Core Features

Static Code Analysis: Identifies bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells.

Quality Gates: Ensures code meets quality standards.

Continuous Integration: Integrates with CI/CD pipelines for automated checks.

Security Analysis: Highlights security vulnerabilities.

Setup and Use

Installation steps.

Running initial code analysis and interpreting results.

Introduction to Nexus Repository

Purpose and advantages of using Nexus Repository in development environments.

Key Features

Artifact Storage: Manages libraries, build artifacts, and binaries.

Repository Management: Supports multiple repository formats like Maven, NuGet, and Docker.

Access Control: Manages user permissions for better security.

Installation and Configuration

Step-by-step guide for setting up Nexus Repository.

Using Nexus Repository

Uploading and managing artifacts.

Integrating with build tools and CI/CD pipelines.

Best Practices

Efficient repository organization and version control.

Case studies highlighting successful Nexus Repository implementations.

Orchestration - Kubernetes

Introduction to High Availability

Introduction to Container Orchestration

Container Orchestration Tools

Overview of Kubernetes

Kubernetes Architecture

Components of Kubernetes

Overview of Minikube

Setup Minikube

Kubernetes Objects


Replica Sets





Load Balancer

Config Maps



Overview of Production Clusters

Overview of AWS EKS

Setup EKS

Deploy Applications On EKS

AKS Storage

AKS Virtual Nodes

Azure Container Registry for AKS

Azure AKS

Auto Scaling

CI/CD with AKS

Azure Monitoring Using AKS



AWS EKS Cluster Setup

AWS EKS Worker Nodes Setup

Deploy LMS App on EKS

Infrastructure As Code - Terraform

Overview of Infrastructure As Code


Overview of Terraform

Terraform Resources

Setup Terraform

Terraform Providers








Setup AWS EC2 Server


Deploy Applications On AWS


Azure CLI Setup - Setup Azure VNET

Portal - Setup Azure VNET

CLI - Setup Azure VNET

Terraform - Setup Azure VM

Terraform - Deploy Applications On Azure

Terraform - Deploy Docker Containers

Terraform - Azure Database Service

Terraform - Azure Web Apps


AWS Cloud

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Walk through AWS Free Tier Account

AWS Management Console

Cloud Offerings

Public vs Private vs Hybrid

Infrastructure As A Service


Platform As A Service


Software As A Service


AWS Regions

AWS Availability Zones

VPC Components

Internet Gateway


Route Tables

Network Access Control List


Security Group

VPC Requirement

VPC Subnetting

VPC Requirement

Build Custom VPC

Introduction To EC2

EC2 Components

EC2 Instance Setup

SSH Clients




AWS Key Pairs

Apache Web Server Setup

Hosting Web Application

Public IP

Private IP

Elastic IP


DNS Setup - Configuring DNS for Website Mapping

Intro To Databases

IAAS Databases vs PAAS Database

Host IAAS Databases

Host PAAS Databases

Setup Web Application For IAAS DB

Setup Web Application For PAAS RDS

Introduction to Linux OS

Linux Distributions

Linux Architecture

Understanding Command Line Interface - CLI

Understanding Linux File System

Using Text Editor (vi)

File & Directory Management

Archive Files Using tar and zip utilities

Package Management

User Management

File Permissions

Service Management

Introduction to Application Stack

Understand Different components of an application

Understand Frontend Tier - Presentation Layer

Understand Backend Tier - Business Logic

Understand Database Tier - Data Layer

Installing and Configuring Nginx HTTP Server

Deploying Frontend Application, Using Nginx HTTP Server

High Availability Concepts For Production Scenario

Load Balancing with AWS Load Balancer

Nodejs Setup For Deploying Backend Tier

Creation of RDS instances in AWS for application stack

Understand the architecture of an application

Integration of Web, Application and Database to work as a stack

Setting Up Web Application - Presentation + Business + Data

Amazon EBS Features



EBS Volume Types

EBS Volumes Limitations

EBS Volume Backups - SNAPSHOTS

Disaster Recovery with SNAPSHOTS

Custom Amazon Machine Images

Hands On

Creating EBS Volumes

Attaching EBS Volumes

Create an Custom AMI

Copy AMI To Other Regions

Backing Up Volumes - EBS Snapshots

Recovering Volumes - EBS Snapshots

Copy Snapshots to other regions

Shared File Systems - NFS

Amazon EFS Features

EFS Fully Managed

EFS Use Cases

EFS Storage Classes

EFS Mount Points


Hands On

Provision EFS File System

Configuring Firewalls For EFS Access

Shared File Access across Multiple Instances

Shared File Access across Multiple Availability Zones

Online Data Storage

Amazon S3 Features

EBS vs EFS vs S3

Use Case - What Storage To Opt - Client Req

Amazon S3 Buckets

Amazon S3 Objects

Amazon S3 Access ACL's

Amazon S3 Access Bucket Policy

Amazon S3 Storage Classes

Amazon S3 Lifecycle Policy

Amazon S3 Versioning

Amazon S3 Web Hosting

Hands On

Create S3 Buckets

Uploading S3 Objects

Control Access Permissions On S3 Buckets

Control Access Permissions On S3 Objects

S3 Storage Classes - Lifecycle Management

S3 Versioning

S3 Web Hosting

Account & Services Layer

IAM Overview

Root User vs IAM User

IAM Access Ways

IAM Policies

IAM Groups

IAM Roles

Hands On

Creating an IAM User

Creating an IAM Group

Creating an IAM Policy

Creating an IAM Role

Graphical Interface vs Command Line Interface

AWS CLI Features

AWS CLI Configurations

Understanding CLI Reference

Hands On

AWS CLI on Amazon Linux

Install AWS CLI on CentOS

Configure AWS CLI

Using Multiple CLI profiles

Creating a Custom VPC Using AWS CLI

Graphical vs Command Line Interface vs Code

Infrastructure Challenges

Infrastructure As Code - IaC

AWS Cloud Formation Features

AWS Cloud Formation Templates

AWS CloudFormation vs Terraform

Hands On

CloudformationTemplate JSON

Cloudformation Template YAML

Creating a Custom VPC Using Cloudformation

Configure Reusable Infrastructure Using Cloudformation

VPC Peering

Bastion Hosts

Nat Gateway

Hands On

VPC Peering

Bastion Hosts

Nat Gateway

Database Concepts

Databases & Tables

IAAS Database - MySQL

PAAS Database - MySQL


Relational Database Service (RDS) - Features

RDS Read Replica

RDS Multi AZ Failover

Hands On

Create IAAS MySQL Database

Setup Java Web Application - IAAS MySQL

Create PAAS MySQL Database

Setup Java Web Application - PAAS MySQL

Create RDS Read Replicas - PAAS MySQL

Create Multi AZ Failover For Production Setup

Elastic Beanstalk Features

Server Setup - PAAS

Apache Tomcat Use Case

Hands On

Create Beanstalk Environment - Tomcat

Deploying Java Web Application

Connecting Web Application to RDS Instance

Checking High Availability & Fault Tolerance

Simple Notification Service - SNS

SNS Topics

SNS Subscriptions

SNS Publishers

Monitoring - Cloudwatch

Cloudwatch Dashboards

Cloudwatch Alarms

Hands On

Create SNS Topic

Create SNS Subscriptions

Create Cloudwatch Dashboard

Create Cloudwatch Alarm

Configure SNS Email For High CPU Usage

Designing Highly Available VPC

Introduction to Load Balancing

Classic Load Balancer

Network Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer

Hands On

Implementing Network Load Balancer

Implementing Application Load Balancer

Introduction to Fault Tolerance

Introduction to Scalability

Launch Templates

Auto Scaling Groups

Hands On

Create Launch Templates

Create Auto Scaling Group

Creating UpScale Policy

Creating DownScale Policy

Attach Load Balancer to Auto Scaling

Azure Cloud

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Walk through Azure Free Tier Account

Overview of Azure Resource Manager

Cloud Offerings

Public vs Private vs Hybrid

Infrastructure As A Service


Platform As A Service


Software As A Service


Azure Regions

Azure Availability Zones

Azure VNET Components

Creating a Virtual Network

Virtual Network Peering

Azure Bastion

Azure Load Balancer

Introduction To VM’s

Azure VM Components

Azure VM Setup

SSH Clients




Azure Key Pairs

Apache Web Server Setup

Hosting Web Application

Private IP

Static IP


DNS Setup

Configuring DNS for Website Mapping

Intro To Databases

Setup Database Instance

Setup Web Application For DB

Setup SQL Instance

Setup Web Application For SQL

**Introduction to Azure Cloud**

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure Services

Creating a Microsoft Azure Account

Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell

Managing Azure Resources & Subscriptions

Azure Resource Manager

Microsoft Azure Architecture

**Azure Resources Management and Azure Storage**

Azure Resources & Subscriptions

Azure Resource Manager

Managing Azure Resources

Azure Tags

Azure Storage Account & its types

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Azure Files Storage

Azure File Sync

**Azure Virtual Machines**

Data Disks in Azure

Azure VMs & Interfaces

ARM templates and VHD templates

Custom Images of Azure VM

Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Virtual Machine Availability Sets

App Service plan

Networking for an App Service

Deployment slots

Container image

**Azure Networking**

Azure Virtual Networks

Azure Vnet Components

IP Address – Public & Private IPs

Azure Vnet Subnets

Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC)

Network Security Group (NSG)

Route Tables and Service Tags

Azure DNS and Private DNS

Application Gateway

Azure Front Door Service

Azure Traffic Manager

Application Security Groups

Azure Load Balancers

Azure Firewall

Azure Bastion

Network Watcher

Azure Express Route

Express Route Circuits and Express Route Peering

**Azure Active Directories**

Windows AD Vs Azure AD

Azure AD Users

Azure AD Groups

Azure AD Domains

Azure AD Tenants

Authentication Options

Azure AD Connect

Self Service password Reset (SSPR)

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

Resource Locks

**Azure Monitoring**

Azure Metrics

Log Analytics

Alerts and actions

Application Insights

Backup reports

Recovery Services Vault

Backing Up Azure Virtual Machines

VM Backup Policies

Restoring Azure Virtual machines

What are Azure Boards?

Why use Azure Boards?

Agile Project Management Best practices

Basic concepts of Azure Boards

Connecting Boards to GitHub

Work items

Kanban Boards


Scrum and Plans

Azure Boards Integrations

Introduction to Azure Repos

Compare TFVC and Git

Key Concepts in Azure Repos

Search your code in Repos

What is TFVC?

Azure Repos Integrations

What are Azure Pipelines?

Why use Azure Pipelines

Deploying to Azure

Key concepts in Pipelines

CI Triggers in pipelines

YAML Basics

Ecosystems and Integration

Setting up CI build

Adding Tests to the Pipeline

Agents and Tasks

What are Azure Artifacts?

Key concepts in Artifacts

Working with packages


Views and upstream sources

Connecting to Azure Pipelines

What are Azure test plans?

Exploratory and Manual testing

Test from Kanban board

Creating Test Plans

Testing Web Apps

Introduction to Containerisation

Monolithic Architecture

Microservices Architecture

Introduction to Virtualisation

Virtualisation vs Containerisation

Docker Architecture

Setting up Docker

Docker Registry

Docker Images Vs Docker Containers

Running Docker Containers

Docker Volumes

Docker Networks

Docker Logs

Docker Tags

Dockerize Applications

Portability Using Docker Registry

Docker Compose

Introduction to High Availability

Introduction to Container Orchestration

Container Orchestration Tools

Overview of Kubernetes

Kubernetes Architecture

Components of Kubernetes

Overview of Minikube

Setup Minikube

Kubernetes Objects


Replica Sets





Load Balancer

Config Maps



Overview of Production Clusters

Overview of AWS EKS

Setup EKS

Deploy Applications On EKS

AKS Storage

AKS Virtual Nodes

Azure Container Registry for AKS

Azure AKS - Auto Scaling

CI/CD with AKS

Azure Monitoring Using AKS

Overview of Infrastructure As Code - IaC

Overview of Terraform

Terraform Resources

Setup Terraform

Terraform Providers


Setup AWS VPC - Terraform

Setup AWS EC2 Server - Terraform

Deploy Applications On AWS - Terraform

Azure CLI Setup

Setup Azure VNET - Terraform

Setup Azure VM - Terraform

Deploy Applications On Azure - Terraform

Deploy Docker Containers - Terraform

Azure Database Service - Terraform

Azure Web Apps - Terraform

Introduction to Monitoring

Introduction to Prometheus

Prometheus Architecture

Monitoring With Prometheus

Scrapping Metrics

Node Exporter

Infrastructure Metrics

Applications Metrics

Prometheus YAML Configs

Prometheus With Docker

Introduction to Visualisation

Introduction To Grafana

Installing Grafana on a Linux Server

Grafana User Interface Overview

Grafana With Docker

Creating Grafana Dashboards

Getting started with Slack

Starting with Channels

Working with Messages

Working with Calls

Sharing Files and Conversations

Searching and Shortcuts in Slack

Slack Integrations with DevOps

Python as a Scripting Language

Python Collections and Sequences

Working with Python Collections

Python Functional Programming

Python File Handling

Python Modules and Packages

Classes in Python

Oops in Python

Application of Scripting Languages

Automation through Scripting Languages

Azure DevOps (Application Lifecycle Management)

What is Azure DevOps?

Azure Boards

Azure Repos

Azure Pipelines

Azure Test Plans

Azure Artifacts

Creating Pipelines in Azure DevOps

What are Azure Boards?

Why use Azure Boards?

Agile Project Management Best practices

Basic concepts of Azure Boards

Connecting Boards to GitHub

Work items


Scrum and Plans

Azure Boards Integrations

Introduction to Azure Repos

Key Concepts in Azure Repos



Import Code from Github

Search your code in Repos

Azure Repos Integrations

What are Azure Pipelines?

Why use Azure Pipelines

Deploying to Azure

Key concepts in Pipelines

CI Triggers in pipelines

YAML Basics

Setting up CI build

Adding Tests to the Pipeline

Agents and Tasks

What are Azure Artifacts?

Key concepts in Artifacts

Working with packages

Connection Feeds

Views and upstream sources

Connecting to Azure Pipelines

What are Azure test plans?

Testing Web Apps

Python As Scripting Language

Python as a Scripting Language

Python Collections and Sequences

Working with Python Collections

Python Functional Programming

Python File Handling

Python Modules and Packages

Classes in Python

Oops in Python

Application of Scripting Languages

Automation through Scripting Languages

Communication & Collaboration

Getting started with Slack

Starting with Channels

Working with Messages

Working with Calls

Sharing Files and Conversations

Searching and Shortcuts in Slack

Slack Integrations with DevOps

Site Reliability Engineer - SRE

Introduction to Monitoring

Introduction to Observability

Introduction to Prometheus

Prometheus Architecture

Monitoring With Prometheus

Scrapping Metrics

Node Exporter

Infrastructure Metrics

Applications Metrics

Prometheus YAML Configs

Prometheus With Docker

Introduction to Visualisation

Introduction To Grafana

Installing Grafana on a Linux Server

Grafana User Interface Overview

Grafana With Docker

Creating Grafana Dashboards

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